Saturday, April 18, 2009

Something immediately useful (also FREE) :>)

Hi again,

I can't remember how I came upon this site, but probably through an affiliate offer on one of the traffic exchanges. No matter - what's important is that there are some great video tutorials on squeeze pages, as well as free software in the "bonus" area of the site. You can, of course, become a paid member of the site, but I haven't, and you don't have to in order to get a bunch of really good stuff!

It's a bit of a convoluted journey from the first registration - your email address and a password; an email with confirmation link; another email and password entry as well as email confirmation link again! At each step along the way look for the "free" choice and you will eventually get a screen to enter the "members area". There you'll see a "bonus" tab and that's where you'll find the tutorials and other goodies.

The link to start you off on the quest :) is this

I'll leave it at that for tonight. From now on, though, I'll try to stick to what I really wanted to do here in the first place, ie: share the good but affordable stuff I find with you, as well as any useful insights born of my own experience.

I've found some good information about traffic exchange advertising that I'll give you next time.

In the meantime, If you have comments, questions or things you'd like to share here please do so - that's what the comment section is for. :)

PS: a reminder:

The Hunger Site

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Actually .... yes I am! Had a bit of an "aha" moment yesterday while reading the opening section of Mike Filsaime's "7 Figure Secrets". There he says "Ask yourself this question: if you are making all the money you could need, and you were doing this job, would you still come to work? When you can say to yourself, "I'm the luckiest person on earth right now. I was made for this job!", you truly have it made."

My quest for online business success is still relatively new, but I'm amazed when I look at the date on emails from the time I began to get really serious, and it's only a little more than one month ago - seems more like 6! Happily though, I'm free to spend almost unlimited time searching out and investigating opportunities and tools. While I tend to get distracted at times and "waste" hours on things that turn out to be mostly worthless, in the end even that CAN be worthwhile. One sees the common threads running through so many of the "terrific opportunities" and becomes more adept at evaluating possibilities. Anyway, bottomline is that YES! I WILL still want to be doing this when I really don't have to.

In today's economic climate there are countless individuals looking for a way to make income online - as I am. But that's an awfully general goal, and I've discovered that you can run yourself ragged and accomplish nothing that brings your goal of making money closer if you don't think about a number of issues upfront:

1) are you wanting a "get rich quick" type of program (set it up and watch the money roll in)?
or do you want to build an ongoing legitimate business online (something you work at ongoing)?
(no judgement implied either way, just a question to determine direction)

2) have you an idea or a product of your own you want to market?
or would you rather promote and sell someone else's product (affiliate marketing)?

3) do you already have the computer and internet skills you will need to build a website from scratch?
or will you need a program that does that work for you?

4) even if you find opportunities that seem to offer you all you need for free or very little cost, have you the financial resources to pay for advertising?
or if you don't have the money, do you have the time and persistence it will take to search out effective free or low-cost advertising?

I say "effective" because there are countless "schemes" out there which are offering "free" anything, but will get you exactly what you pay for (or worse), whether it be in time or money.

The most basic and important TRUTH you MUST UNDERSTAND about anything you establish online is YOU CAN BUILD THE MOST WONDERFUL SITE EVER MADE, with the most fantastic idea or product ever thought of, BUT UNLESS YOU PROMOTE (ADVERTISE) IT NO ONE WILL EVER SEE IT!

Therein lies the thing that will determine success, as much or more than, having a great product and great site.

For this time, I'll say just one other thing. Assuming you've looked around and the "program" you've chosen has a good track record and has all the elements you need, don't quit when you get discouraged - that's what causes 95% of those who start to fail. If you know anyone else who's involved in the programs you are check with them. It could help both of you.

A List of things I've liked so far:

Online Guru types: Ewen Chia, Stone Evans, Brad Callen, Leslie the Freebie Guy

Programs: Profit Plan, Project Payday, any of Ewen Chia's stuff, the Traffic Jam and more later

Free Advertising: Traffic Swarm, EasyHits4U, Free Viral, Free Advertising Forum, plus forums and social networking sites like twitter (my user name ann_breck). Will add more as I come upon them

Blogging: Yaro Starek (how to set up), free blog software Wordpress, eblogger.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What I'm working on right now .....


It's been awhile since I added anything here, but I've certainly not forgotten about this blog - just needed the time to organize the information I've gathered, and begin to implement the most vital elements!

It would be easy to just keep on "chasing my tail," investigating everything new I come across. I've done a fair amount of that and realized it gets nothing accomplished about actually building a business. One must heed the good advice of a number of internet marketing "gurus" and just focus on one project at a time and get down to work!

The two so-called gurus I've come to respect the most are Ewen Chia and Stone Evans. Using newsletters, give-away ebooks and videos, they share their vast knowledge of internet marketing with those of us just starting out on limited budgets.

They, of course, also sell other programs, but both kinds of material assist you to emulate their success by leading you through the process 1 step at a time, in great detail। Their marketed material is what has made them fortunes, and attaching oneself to the coattails of successful people is the fastest, easiest and smartest way to learn the fundamentals of marketing anything on the internet.

Enough said - except to say I plan to begin posting some of the other good stuff I've found in the next while, and to quote a couple of my favourite bloggers "Thanks for stopping by - really!!" :)

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