Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What I'm working on right now .....


It's been awhile since I added anything here, but I've certainly not forgotten about this blog - just needed the time to organize the information I've gathered, and begin to implement the most vital elements!

It would be easy to just keep on "chasing my tail," investigating everything new I come across. I've done a fair amount of that and realized it gets nothing accomplished about actually building a business. One must heed the good advice of a number of internet marketing "gurus" and just focus on one project at a time and get down to work!

The two so-called gurus I've come to respect the most are Ewen Chia and Stone Evans. Using newsletters, give-away ebooks and videos, they share their vast knowledge of internet marketing with those of us just starting out on limited budgets.

They, of course, also sell other programs, but both kinds of material assist you to emulate their success by leading you through the process 1 step at a time, in great detail। Their marketed material is what has made them fortunes, and attaching oneself to the coattails of successful people is the fastest, easiest and smartest way to learn the fundamentals of marketing anything on the internet.

Enough said - except to say I plan to begin posting some of the other good stuff I've found in the next while, and to quote a couple of my favourite bloggers "Thanks for stopping by - really!!" :)

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