Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've been fairly busy for a few weeks - with life in general, working on Wealthy Affiliate lessons, investigating other sites, and last but not least - had cataract surgery on both eyes in late June! The latter made it a bit difficult early on to spend a lot of time at my computer. However, considering the state of Alberta Healthcare, I'm really grateful to have had access as quickly as I did.

Enuff on the personal front :)

When I first began investigating online opportunities I came across a site (Profit Plan) that advertises with the slogan "Make a Profit TODAY or Your Money Back TODAY" ...... that was intriguing enough to make me look further.

I was not dissappointed by what I found - the site's owner, Graham Hamer, has a reputation for not only living up to his promises, but delivering far more! After purchasing the ebook advertised, which includes the opportunity resale rights, one also receives followup emails with links to his sites and other opportunities to make money (without additional cost!!).

He also provides access to tons of internet marketing information - extremely valuable, again at no additional cost! The only other marketer I've seen who delivers extra value like that is Ewen Chia.

Of course, as is the case with any opportunity whether free or paid, there's one requirement to actually making a profit - you MUST PUT THE OPPORTUNITY BEFORE THE EYES OF BUYERS. There are many ways of doing that without "buying" advertising.

You can join traffic exchanges and safelists like Traffic Swarm, Easy Hits 4U, List Joe and ViralUrl as a free member and get your advertising by putting in some time reading others' ads or emails. Most also sell "paid" memberships quite reasonably and pay commissions on referrals as well. The links here will give me credits for advertising when anyone joins from them, btw (not hardly a hint of course!) There are also a number of free classified ad sites.

I guess this particular kind of opportunity appeals to me because of the honesty and simplicity; the lack of weird and wonderful "conditions" (I remember an old comedy routine that talked about an insurance policy which paid "only if you were bitten by a giraffe - and the giraffe had to be pregnant!"). Some opportunities have really, really convoluted payout schemes and requirements, and I just can't be bothered to wade through the hype. The independence factor and absense of the need to "sell" also appeals.

Anyhow, if you feel like it, have a look and see what you think.

Marketing like you've never seen it before

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